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Complete Tutorial: How to Create an Auto Browser Script



Complete Tutorial: How to Create an Auto Browser Script

Auto browser or browser automation is the process of automating tasks performed in a browser, such as navigating between pages, filling out forms, or clicking on elements on a web page. Auto browser scripts can be used for a variety of purposes, from automated testing, data collection (web scraping), to increasing work efficiency by automating repetitive processes. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to create an auto browser script using JavaScript (for direct browser) and Selenium with Python (for more complex testing). This article is intended for beginners who want to learn the basics of browser automation.

1. What is Auto Browser?

Auto browser is a script or program that controls the browser to perform certain actions automatically, without direct human interaction. These actions can include:

  • Visiting multiple URLs in sequence.
  • Fill out and submit the form.
  • Clicking a button or other element on the page.
  • Take a screenshot or data from a page.

Auto browser scripts are very useful in various applications, especially for automation testing, data retrieval, and also for users who want to automate repetitive tasks on the internet.

2. Tools Required

Before starting to create an auto browser script, make sure you have prepared the following tools:

  • Text Editor : A text editor like VS Code , Sublime Text , or Notepad++ to write code.
  • Web Browser : Use a modern browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to run the script.
  • Node.js (Optional) : To run JavaScript outside the browser or run a local server.
  • Python (Optional) : If you want to use Selenium for further testing, you will need Python.

3. Create an Auto Browser Script with JavaScript in the Browser

One way to create an auto browser is to use JavaScript in the browser. JavaScript allows you to control many aspects of a web page, such as navigation, filling out forms, and interacting with DOM elements. Below, we will discuss how to create an auto browser script using JavaScript.

Step 1: Open Developer Tools in Browser

To get started, you need to open Developer Tools in your browser (for example Google Chrome ):

  • Press F12 or right-click on the page and select "Inspect" to open Developer Tools.
  • Go to the Console tab to write and run JavaScript.

Step 2: Writing an Auto Browse Script with JavaScript

Here is an example of an auto browse script that navigates the user to different pages automatically:

// Daftar URL yang ingin dikunjungi const urls = [ "", "", "" ]; // Fungsi untuk mengunjungi setiap URL secara otomatis function autoBrowse(urls, interval) { let index = 0; // Fungsi untuk memuat halaman berikutnya function visitNextPage() { if (index < urls.length) { window.location.href = urls[index]; // Navigasi ke URL index++; } else { console.log("Selesai mengunjungi semua halaman."); } } // Mengatur interval untuk navigasi otomatis setInterval(visitNextPage, interval); } // Memulai auto browse dengan interval 5 detik (5000 milidetik) autoBrowse(urls, 5000);

Script Explanation:

  • List of URLs : The script starts by defining an array urls, which contains the URLs you want to visit.
  • FunctionautoBrowse : This function manages and runs automatic navigation to each URL page contained in the array.
  • setInterval(): This function is used to schedule the execution of a function visitNextPage()at a specified interval (in this example it is 5 seconds).

Step 3: Running the Script

After writing the script, copy and paste the code into the Console tab in Developer Tools, then press Enter. This script will start visiting the pages listed in the URL array sequentially at the time interval you specified.

4. Creating an Auto Browser Script with Selenium in Python

If you want to create more complex auto browser scripts or perform automated testing on web applications, you can use Selenium . Selenium is a browser automation tool that allows you to control the browser using Python, Java, or other programming languages.

Step 1: Installing Selenium and WebDriver

To use Selenium with Python, you need to install the Selenium module and download the WebDriver for the browser you are using (for example, ChromeDriver for Google Chrome).

  1. Install Selenium with pip :

    pip install selenium
  2. Download WebDriver :

Step 2: Writing Auto Browse Script with Selenium

Here is an example Python script using Selenium to visit multiple web pages automatically:

from selenium import webdriver import time # Path ke WebDriver (ganti dengan path yang sesuai di komputer Anda) driver_path = "path/to/chromedriver" # Membuka browser Chrome driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=driver_path) # Daftar URL yang ingin dikunjungi urls = [ "", "", "" ] # Fungsi untuk mengunjungi URL secara otomatis def auto_browse(urls, delay): for url in urls: driver.get(url) # Menavigasi ke URL print(f"Visiting: {url}") time.sleep(delay) # Menunggu selama 'delay' detik sebelum melanjutkan # Menjalankan fungsi auto browse dengan interval 5 detik auto_browse(urls, 5) # Menutup browser setelah selesai driver.quit()

Script Explanation:

  • webdriver.Chrome(): Open Chrome browser with WebDriver.
  • driver.get(url): Redirects the browser to the given URL.
  • time.sleep(delay): Waits for the specified time before moving to the next page.
  • driver.quit(): Closes the browser after all pages have been visited.

Step 3: Running the Script

Save the script in a Python file with the extension .py, for example To run the script, open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where the script file is located, and run the following command:


The script will open a browser, visit the pages listed in the URL array in sequence, and close the browser when finished.

5. Adding Additional Features

After creating a basic script for auto browse, you can add some features to enhance its capabilities. Here are some additional features you might want to consider:

  1. Element-Based Navigation You can direct a script to click a specific button or link on a page after it loads. For example, using Selenium:

    # Menemukan tombol dan mengkliknya button = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[@id='next']")
  2. Handling Pop-ups or Alerts Selenium allows you to handle pop-ups or alerts that appear on a web page. You can use code like the following to close an alert:

    alert = driver.switch_to.alert alert.accept()
  3. Retrieving Data from a Page For web scraping, you can retrieve data from a page, such as text or HTML elements. Here is an example of how to retrieve text from an element with Selenium:

    element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//h1") print(element.text)
  4. Timing or Interval Features You can set intervals or add settings to limit how many times a script is run. For example, you can use time.sleep()to set a time delay between actions.

6. Conclusion

Auto browser scripts are a very useful tool for automating repetitive tasks, testing web applications, and fetching data from web pages. In this tutorial, we have learned how to create an auto browse script using JavaScript in the browser and Selenium in Python. Both have their own advantages: JavaScript is better suited for light automation tasks directly in the browser, while Selenium is better suited for more complex web application testing and automated data fetching. With these basics in mind, you can start developing more advanced auto browser scripts as per your requirements.

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